...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), five screen installation with objects and a sound piece
Untitled [Whistling] (2015) 1 min 02 secs, single screen HD video, sound, loop with intervals of black (part of five-screen installation ...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me)
…the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me… is a five-screen installation with objects and a narrated monologue that continues the theme of a refusal or inability to speak (which I already touched upon in my work Perhaps) through portrayal of vintage or defunct objects presented as short, infinite loops counteracted by bursts of failed attempt at whistling. The monologue grapples with the thought of existential hope and the possibility of the artist's body becoming the food source for a lemon tree.
The phrase …the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me… is taken from the book Pure Means by Yve Lomax (p. 40, used with permission), and for me points to the internal conflict in the desire and the struggle to talk of the possibility of death in a constructive way.
Foreword PDF | Monologue, excerpt (p. 1 of 3) PDF
Untitled [Speaker] (2015) 1 min 42 secs, single screen HD video, silent, loop (part of five-screen installation ...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me...)
Bird on turntable (2015) 45 secs, single screen HD video, sound, loop (part of five-screen installation ...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me...)
Does everyone in your family have such a long neck? (2015) 50 secs, single screen HD video, silent, loop (part of five-screen installation ...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me...)
Untitled [Collage] (2015) 17 mins 20 secs, single screen HD video, sound, loop (part of five-screen installation ...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me...)
...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), installation view, Slade School of Fine Art
...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), installation view, Slade School of Fine Art
...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), installation view, Slade School of Fine Art
...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), installation view, Slade School of Fine Art
...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), installation view, Slade School of Fine Art
...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), installation view, Slade School of Fine Art
...the words that have gripped me, yet have freed me... (2015), installation view, Slade School of Fine Art