The Other (2016-22) | |
The Other is a body of work comprised of a performance for camera, a scent narrative, and a tale read collaboratively at a distance, all based on the poem Le Gars (The Kid) written by Marina Tsvetaeva in Prague in 1922. I first came across this poem in the essay Sexual Difference and the Love of the Wolf by Judith Still published in The Animal Question in Deconstruction (ed. Lynn Turner, 2013). This marked the point of my ersonal animal turn, and you can read about some of the early research here - Tsvetava's wolf / in wolf's skin [working title] R&D. In 2019 I received the Developing Your Creative Practice grant from Arts Council England to develop The Other as a multi-screen piece, plans which had to be re-thought in light of the world pandemic. This became The Stranger. A tale. |
The Stranger. A tale is my adaptationn of Le Gars for younger audiences. It was written in 2020-2021 and developed as a way to deliver tailored artwork for home viewing, especially for families with children and young people, that is different to an online exhibtition or watching a film. It is an interactive experience accompanied by a scent narrative sent by post. | |
Read by Theophania Gangbo, Graça Kotseva, and Orlando Gangbo. | |
Performance for camera of Le Gars, part one by Olga Koroleva and Latana Amari Phoung | |
Anyone can be part of this project - read the story by yourself before you read it to / with your kids. When you do, please make a recording, audio or video, and send it my way (link opens contact page). The video does not need to include participants' faces, or to be well-produced - it can be made very simply, on your phone, and feature your cat or the corner of your sofa. What is important is to capture your reading time together. You can also order your own unique set of scent cards up until the summer 2022. Each one is different and will be made especially for you! |
The Other development journey documentation / close fold out |
Pre-DYCP development | |
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Production stills at The Showroom (22 May, 2016) | |
Le Gars (The Kid) is a supernatural love story: a young girl, Maroussia, falls in love with a ghoul and sacrifices her life and that of her family while protecting his secret. There is a clear bifurcation between the creature that is the ghoul, and the orderly society to which Maroussia belongs. In Matters of Care (pp. 32-33) Maria Puig de la Bellacasa recounts Latour’s work, which might help us understand these binaries: ‘…We remain trapped in binary oppositions, in the perception that in order to account for phenomena we need to bridge the gap between two worlds. And even though bridging, we still tend to give one side the power to know, and even do, the other: nature explains society (or vice versa).’ |
With gratitude to everyone at The Showroom and Emily Pethick (director, 2008 - 2018) personally for hosting our shoot in the gallery studio. |
The Other has developed over the years in conversation with many wonderful people. It was first presented to the public as a single-screen moving image installation at the School of Art, London Metropolitan University in April 2019 as part of Open Field residency. It was shown alongside Portrait of Giant Kelp. Herbal tea was served. |
Images by Preeti Tak © 2019 |
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In June 2019 The Other was screened at In the Midst of Damage – Proposition for a Peer-led Working Group, an at-home gathering organised and hosted by artist and friend Sonia Levy, attended by Hermione Spriggs, Helena Hunter, Rachel McRae, Elizabeth Atkinson, Sam Smith, Nella Aarne, Fiona MacDonald, and Eric Faden. Image by Nella Aarne © 2019 |
Post-DYCP development |
Later that year I received the Developing Your Creative Practice grant from Arts Council England to develop The Other as a multi-screen piece, plans which had to be re-thought in light of the world pandemic. This became The Stranger. A tale. |
The Stranger. A tale is my adaptationn of Le Gars for younger audiences. It was written in 2020-2021 during the world pandemic and developed as a way to deliver tailored artwork for home viewing, especially for families with children and young people, that is different to an online exhibtition or watching a film. It is an interactive experience accompanied by a scent narrative sent by post. |
Anyone can be part of this project - read the story by yourself before you read it to / with your kids. When you do, please make a recording, audio or video, and send it my way (link opens contact page). The video does not need to include participants' faces, or to be well-produced - it can be made very simply, on your phone, and feature your cat or the corner of your sofa. What is important is to capture your reading time together. |
Here you can also see some of my translations notes (PDF), and how the scent cards (PDF) developed. |
The Stranger. A tale. Part one (9mins 46secs) read out by Olga Koroleva, Lauren Tenn, Kate Paxman, David Harbott, Layan Harman, and Naomi Frears during my online masterclass for Cine Sisters South West on 29 May 2021. |
The Other has been generously supported by the Developing Your Creative Practice grant, Arts Council England. |
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Close documentation fold out | |
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